"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,"

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Missing post from week 1

This is the post from the first week on Camotes:

We're in a little town called San Francisco, Camotes. It's a part of the province of Cebu and is about a two-hour boat ride from Cebu City. There is no, I repeat no, American food here except peanut butter, which is actually much better than American peanut butter. So we're dealing with that the best we can and eating pineapples like it's our job. People are having a surprisingly enthusiastic response to the Gospel and we're just trying to assess how much of it is authentic. I anticipate the majority of the summer to be spent really trying to edify the church here in San Francisco (and the neighboring town, Poro - where last summer's Nehemiah Team based their ministry) and establishing Bible studies among community members. As far as True Love Waits goes, Matt, SFBC's pastor's daughter Liza, and I went to Cebu City to see the superintendent of schools and ask permission to conduct the seminar in San Francisco. She turned us down for doing it on school days, but said it would be fine to do it on Saturdays. So the plan is to conduct five of them on the next five Saturdays, beginning the twenty-first. We'll be in three schools in Poro and two schools here in San Fran. The town is really laidback and the people are really friendly. This past Thursday was their independence day and there was a parade with about 8 drums and 5 bugles!! It was classic! There were also some pretty awesome dance moves. My team is really cool and we're having a great time. We're still trying to get on our feet and establish a steady schedule. We're finding, however, that it's useless to make a schedule most of the time. God is bringing out the best in each of us, I believe. I know we're all being pushed to the extremes of our comfort zones and are letting God use us in completely new ways. It's eye-opening and exhausting! I'm teaching Sunday school tomorrow to highschoolers and we're each responsible for a part of the True Love Waits seminar as well as the intermittent testimonies and Bible stories we're asked to share, so we're all growing!!

I love you guys and I'll talk to you later,

Our first True Love Waits seminar didn't happen because of the typhoon, but we'll have our first one this Saturday at a REALLY big school, so pray I can get my act together before then.

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